Hi! I'm Ariel Lin

Front-end / Full-stack Developer based in Calgary

About Me

profile picture

I am a self-taught web developer with a high interest in building beautifully designed, responsive sites. I have always enjoyed solving puzzles and playing logic games; and coding to me happens to be the combination of the two. This passion motivates me to dive deeper into this fantastic field and be fearless when encountering technical challenges. In my spare time, I like to play sudoku/puzzles, bake desserts, or read novels.

Always wish to make my little corner of the internet a nicer place everyday!


JavaScript / ES6+




React / Redux

Node.js / Express.js




Vegetarian With You - Restaurant Review Website (Full-Stack)

--- React, Redux, Redux Sagas, Sass, Material UI, Cloudinary, Node.js, Express.js, PostgresSQL ---

Vegetarian With You is a restaurant review website that allows users to discover and share amazing vegan restaurants, visit experiences and opinions. All authenticated users are welcome to create and enhance public restaurants; write, update or delete their own reviews; vote helpful reviews and/or report problematic reviews. The user account also enables several management functionalities: update profile, update/delete avatar, edit email, reset password and delete account.

vegetarian with you
e-commerce website

Crown Clothing - E-Commerce Website (Full-Stack)

--- React, Redux, Redux Sagas, Sass, Styled-components, Firebase, Stripe API ---

An e-commerce website allows users to navigate around different pages and categories of items; add items to the shopping cart; increase and decrease item amount or remove items from the shopping cart. The app is integrated with Stripe API to handle test credit card checkout payment, also incorporated with Firebase to handle user authentication and storage. Provide sign in with Google, sign up and sign in with email and password, and sign out authentication features.

Smart Brain - Face Detection App (Full-Stack)

--- React, Clarifai API, Node.js, Express.js, PostgresSQL ---

A face recognition web app uses Clarifai Face Detection API to detect and highlight human face after user submitted an image URL. Back-end of the app utilizes Node.js, Express.js, PostgresSQL and bcrypt-nodejs to provide secure user authentication, storage and password hashing.

face detection app
pokemon app

Pokémon Search App (Front-End)

--- React, Pokémon API ---

A front-end project that fetches Pokémon data and images from free APIs. The app is responsive, and users can use the search bar to filter out the target Pokémon.